Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a beautiful option for changing the size, shape, and color of your teeth. Whether your teeth have deep stains that don’t respond to whitening, are extremely small for your face, or you don’t like the overall shape, porcelain veneers can naturally enhance your smile.

As conservative dentists practicing ‘responsible esthetics’, Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Castellucci prefer to remove as little tooth structure as possible when preparing your teeth for veneers. Sometimes no tooth structures need to be removed at all and your life can change just like that. It may be recommended that Invisalign treatment be completed prior to veneers in some circumstances in order to avoid destruction of healthy tooth.


A beautiful bride-to-be came to us for help. She was getting married in 9 months and she did not like her smile. We had a conversation about what aspects of her smile were making her unhappy. We then drafted a plan where a bit of gum reshaping and 4 porcelain veneers were indicated.

9 months later she walked down the aisle. It has beens severals years since…. she’s happy ever after.