First & Only Dental Office in the Boston Area with a Negative Pressure, Triple Air Filtration System Installed in Every Dental Room.

At Lit Dental Esthetics and Implant Center, we value our patients’ safety above all else. We have worked hard to create new protocols that will ensure that each client gets the care they deserve in a safe, clean, and comfortable environment.  By employing new and proven technologies, Dr. Ortiz, Dr. Castellucci and their team can focus on creating incredible smiles.

How we’re keeping our patients safe:

From the moment Covid-19 altered our lives, the question among the team at Lit Dental Esthetics was simple and unanimous. How do we completely, effectively and constantly disinfect the entire air in every room in under 5 minutes? Little table top air purifiers will not do it. PPE and wiping surfaces will not do it. The answer was obvious, the air needs to be entirely removed from the room and purified. Constantly. Not just once a day, not every few hours. All the time. From that day we began to plan what resulted in a two week total renovation of the HVAC system to become the first clinic in the Boston Area, second in the entire state, and possibly the only two in the entire world to do what everyone is afraid or unwilling to do. A Negative Pressure, Triple Air Filtration System in every room. No matter how much it would cost or how hard it would be to achieve.


When we say “Not Your Average Dental Office”, we mean it…


See Dr. Miguel A. Ortiz explaining how this marvelous piece of engineering works to protect your health.


Negative Pressure Isolation

We have turned our treatment rooms into negative pressure areas in order to combat any potential problems that could arise from procedures that create mist and aerosol. This negative pressure system removes the air from the room and treats it through oxidizers and ionizers a minimum of 14 times every hour! Every 4 minutes the air in your room is purified and disinfected. This ensures that every breath you take will be full of clean, treated air and that another patient’s exhalations cannot travel to other rooms or remain in the air from one appointment to the next. While not required, the CDC and ADA have stated that using negative pressure provides the absolute highest level of protection against viruses. Lit Dental Esthetics and Implant Center is one of the FIRST clinics in the world to have taken this step.

Electrostatic Air Purifiers

Photochemical and electrostatic air purifiers have been added to every room of the clinic. These, in conjunction with our large Molekule systems, filter the air and actively remove virus particles. This is in addition to the Negative Pressure Isolation System. Overkill? Well that’s the point, isn’t it?


We have also added HEPA MERV-16 filtering to our existing HVAC system. This central air-scrubbing treatment system effectively cleans the air until it has reached the highest level of purity possible. This is achieved through the use of a negative ionization system as well as environmentally-friendly oxidizers.

Ultra Violet C disinfection and sterilization

If any of the particles have gone through the HEPA MERV-16 and the ionization and scrubbing system, they will have to deal with UVC Radiation. This last step was specifically design and included by Dr. Jason Tubo and Dr. Miguel A. Ortiz in order to create the most sophisticated air purification system ever installed in a dental clinic.


Between our air purifiers, negative pressure systems, and HEPA MERV-16, our air is the absolute cleanest air you will find anywhere. This means that once you’re in the room, you can take your mask off, breathe easy, and enjoy your treatment at Lit Dental Esthetics and Implant Center.

 How we’ve ALWAYS kept our patients safe:

Small Reception Area

Our small reception area will make you feel welcome as soon as you walk through our doors. We never have many people waiting in this room at the same time, so you’ll be able to practice social distancing while relaxing before your appointment. And we work hard to be on time, so you’ll never have to wait for very long!

1+ Hour Appointments

We like to take our time with each patient, ensuring that they get the care and attention that they deserve. This means that our Doctors focuses on one person at a time rather than running back and forth to work on multiple patients. The end result is better care for you, as well as less traffic in the clinic!

Obsessively Clean

We’ve always been a little obsessive about cleaning here at Lit Dental. We’ve taken the CDC guidelines…and then added to them! For us, the cleaner the better.

High Volume Evacuation (HVE) systems

It is difficult to explain the technical function of HVE systems, but you will probably start hearing a lot more about this type of equipment as other dentists start installing it in their clinics in response to the pandemic. We initially installed them in all our rooms to keep you more comfortable, but now they can also help protect you from the spread of Covid-19.

Regular maintenance of our HVAC HEPA systems

In addition to obsessing over cleanliness, we’ve always been a big fan of clean, filtered air! We want you to enjoy your visit to Lit Dental Esthetics and Implant Center, and part of that positive experience comes from an atmosphere that doesn’t “smell like a dentist”. To achieve this, we make sure to keep up with regular maintenance on all of our filtration and purification systems. You’ll only find clean, fresh air here at Lit Dental!